Usagi Yuutsuna

Kanji: 憂鬱な.うさぎ Romanji: Yuutsuna Usagi
Alias: Suicidal Freak Occupation: Rabbit Plushie
Heroine: Iruka-san
Paradox Mansion Spirit Away Victim
Race: Japanese
Gender: Male Age: 15-17
Height: 155 cm Weight: 59.99 kg
Birthday: June 18
Cake: Milk Cake
Zodiac: Cancer
Hair Color: Dark Rosewood
Eye Color: Violet
Hobby: Self harming, playing Violin, playing chess
Status: Taken
Closest with: Nezumi the Rat/Mouse
Relatives: Alive but no name mention.
Manga: Chapter 1 Japanese VA: Ragna Renzler (temporary voice bank)
Anime: Episode 1 English VA: Ragna Renzler (temporary voice bank)
Main Quote: "I learned today...happiness can be also found in tears." - Usagi Yuutsuna Chapter 7
Usagi Yuutsuna (Yuutsuna Usagi) the person that they lock inside the human size cage due to suicidal tendencies. Upon discovering he has seasonal affective dis-order he began to suicide ideations'.
Yuutsuna has pinkish skin and violet eyes that sometimes reflects with small tint of pink. His hair is called Octopus V-shaped layer and it's color is dark rosewood. Wearing an old rose sweater inside that resembles Nekogata's pink sweater too He hid it with his black vest with three buttons up and his checkered polo shirt consist of purple, pink and violet linings (technically wearing 3 layers of clothing.) His skinny purple pants is above his ankle, which is why there is still space for his matching old rose socks to his sweater and a pair of light violet snickers.
You will see Yuutsuna either sad or stoic face, the reason behind this because he had a mental condition called S.A.D syndrome. Everyone loves Yuutsuna despite the lack of personality engagement. You can notice Kowagano Nezumi loves Yuutsuna very much and is considered close to him given he calls him 'Yuu-yuu' rather than the nickname given by Kirin. His popularity is proven when his background revealed that he had a loving family, friends, classmates and even had a girl friend. Yuutsuna not only have the looks but also the power of charisma to attract people to follow him and understand him without explanations.
However none of these made him happy or felt satisfaction thus leads him to a suicidal routine. When Yuutsuna finally smiled he had the most beautiful and handsome smile ever, everyone acknowledges that he is pretty and handsome by almost feminine yet still manly features. Not a single person in Paradox Mansion hates Yuutsuna not even jealousy is welcomed. Therefore Yuutsuna is still bored and sad, you won't see him speak much but if ever he does he only say facts that can make people shut their mouth or agree to his terms. Yuutsuna is basically a perfect son if not with his mental illness that will eventually take his life if not threated.
Yuutsuna literally means 'Melancholy' and Usagi meant 'Rabbit'. His featured story in Chapter 7 titled 'Melancholy Rabbit' is read as 'Yuutsuna Usagi.'
Yuutsuna's appearance is inspired itself of Author's favorite hairstyle Octopus V-shaped layer. The checkered thing comes from the author's addiction of checkered floor, mainly Alice in Wonderland influence.
Yuutsuna's suicide attempts always fail. So far he had done harmful things to himself like suffocation of pillow, hanging, poisoning, jumping from height, self wounding, fasting and dehydration, drowning, stabbing self with scissors, choking materials that can lead to death lastly the most dangerous thing he did is to slice his own neck by a kitchen knife thankfully stopped by Numa his personal caretaker in paradox. With these suicidal behaviors the Paradox Mansion residence unites to lock him up in the human size caged that is yet to be reveal why is it even there in the first place.
Yuutsuna's room is Iruka Naru's room. Proof of his blood stains remained under the bedsheets.
Yuutsuna never had a pet and his first one is Yusafuri Go whose a brown hare rabbit.
Yuutsuna's good trait is meticulous with anxiety.
Yuutsuna's weak point is loneliness which is why his Season Affective Disorder have reach the next level.
Yuutsuna's hobby is the attempt to kill himself but never finish it for good.
Yuutsuna is very talented, he can cook, good at any kinds of sports, any form of art like example a theater, excel in all subjects especially math. The only thing he isn't good is not being thankful for everything he has reasoning his depression. He did seek help but he was clouded by hopeless ness leading him to seek the condemn building of Purple Mansion, activating the curse by accident becoming the first case of spirited away case known now as 'Paradox Mansion.'
Yuutsuna is considered as Dandere instead of a Kuudere.
Impactive Quotes: