Numa Aohono

Kanji: 青炎.沼 Romanji: Aohono Numa
Alias: Naked Apron Occupation: Horse Plushie
Heroine: Naru-kun
Paradox Mansion Spirit Away Victim
Race: German
Gender: Male Age: 23-25
Height: 175 cm Weight: 61.3 kg
Birthday: December 24
Cake: Black Forest
Zodiac: Capricorn
Hair Color: Dune
Eye Color: Jade
Hobby: Nudist, doing laundry.
Status: Single
Closest with: Shinji the Snake
Relatives: Orphan
Manga: Chapter 1 Japanese VA: N/A
Anime: Episode 1 English VA: N/A
Main Quote: "As long as the world keeps rotating, there is no such thing as dead end." - Numa Aohono Chapter 7
Numa Aohono (Aohono Numa) The one playing as a caretaker of everyone in Paradox Mansion. He hangs out a lot in the laundry room. It's the guy who proclaims he is gay, but is he truly one?
Numa is literally naked, only covering him is the pink frilly apron with darker pink heart shaped printed at the center of his chest. He has semi dune colored short hair leveling on his neck and soft jade eyes that resembles horses. Numa's body is bulk with muscles which questions his gender as he self proclaimed 'gay'.
Numa is a sweet person, has the mother atmosphere but his voice is deep and he is obviously faking it. He takes care of everyone in the mansion by doing laundry for everyone and making sure nobody is harmed with the purple rose thorns by cutting the 'said thorns' to keep their plushie form safe from nature. He said he is gay for Nekogata but never prove if it's even real or just a funny lie since he likes making jokes. Numa cares a lot of everyone especially the heroine and Yuutsuna, after all Iruka is the only girl in the mansion while Yuutsuna had some very bad suicidal tendencies, Numa is in charge of the key to Yuutsuna's cage.
However despite being considered as 'sweet mama', there are times you can see the change in Numa's eyes turning serious as if he is a completely different person. His aura changes whenever the looks in his eyes changes from soft loving horse-like into humane like eyes that show alertness.
Numa's name is supposed to be 'Uma' for horse, but it did not sounded right so the author changes it to '沼' means marsh. The point is you can hear the silent 'Uma' to pronounce as 'Numa'. Aohono means blue flame, there is much more to reveal later on why that is his last name.
Numa is considered as Ikemen same level as Shinji. They are one of the oldest member of the spirit away case.
Numa is considered as the leader of Paradox Mansion since he is 2nd person who got cursed with Yuutsuna.
Numa proclaims he had a crush to Nekogata but it seems to be just a revenge for all the cat plushie has bullied or harassed in the mansion.
Numa is hiding something in the washing machine that Naru almost seen.
Numa is a nudist and sleeps in the laundry room.
Numa's good trait valiant and picky.
Numa's weak point trap looking people.
Numa's hobby is doing laundry and posing his flex.
Numa is the only person who asked permission to call the heroine differently, unlike the rest just call her bunch of names.
Impactive Quotes: