Traditional Manga Arts

Bloody Paradise Ink.
This is the Official Website for fans of Jeana-sama Original works of Anime/Manga. Where they can see all the wallpaper's, art, product, songs, goods for this manga/anime produce all by Jeana Rei Cortez the author itself under Bloody Paradise Ink.

Bloody Paradise production intro screen
Bloody Paradise name is establish since 2011 by Jeana-sama and her bestbuddy partner in crime Maggie Thomason Morris. Their first project is to make Bloody War to rule the game and Morbid Mannequins. However Maggie eventually created her own studio, leaving Jeana-sama the founder of Bloody Paradise productions changing the name into 'Bloody Paradise Ink'.
Bloody Paradise multiple changes of logo before it is finalize
We give free learning if you will participate in our Anime Voice Acting Workshop projects. You can have a Seiyuu Learning cheat sheet, and help us spread love for Traditional Manga Arts.

Final Design
Old Design
Our Vision and Mission

Sister Company "Haro Arts Corner"

Fellow Mangaka Friend 'Puchi'
The Legend of Destiny

Follow fellow members below and make your bio now!
How to Join?
1. Email us with simple Resume
(any age accepted, just be willing to do voice acting for experience wise)
2. Send your practice audio or Manga made by you and wish to have a trailer made for it.
3. Create your Bloody Paradise Ink profile in this website!
What are our basic projects?
You'll be part of our 'Bloody Paradise Ink Radio'
You can join also our Anime Drama CD's either Japanese or English audio.
Have your very own Seiyuu pen name spread over the internet to boost your popularity individually!
Our Top Bloody Paradise Ink Graduates!
Eric John Canlas
Voice Actor penname NightWish
Jisha Lee Bitgue
Virgin Artist penname Muzanjirofangirl
Lorenz Ranario
Freelance Artist penname Haroichi
Jessica Garcia
Mangaka/Author penname Puchi